Blunden Harbour 

After Emily Carr  36" x 48" Acrylic on Canvas  8.20.14

Diffusion Man          16"x20" Silkscreen on paper


60" X 72"  Acrylic on canvas   7.10.14


"Lake louise"

36" x 48" Acrylic on canvas       7.25.14

 "The Fourth Space" is a space that is not past, present or future. Digital Cubism attempts to explore a simultaneous multiplicity of space enabled by technological devices. It is complicated by the shifting proportions and relativity of each of the composite spaces. Technology enables multiple digital views that both expand and compress time. This exhibit invites the viewer to consider how our conception of time and presence is being profoundly changed by mobile digital communications. The man texting in this series represents multiple places in time set in important Canadian landscapes.

Diffusion Man          16"x20" Silkscreen on paper

"Memento Mori"

 60" x 72" Acrylic on Canvas  6.21.14

"ARE YOU There?"

​60" x 84"  Acrylic on Canvas  4.15.14